Where Can I Sign the Petition?
Here's where you can sign the petition:
Locations and times will be updated frequently, so please REFRESH YOUR BROWSER if you've checked here before.
All info is subject to change, based on volunteer availability; however, EVERY (non-holiday) Monday from 9 - 11 a.m. you can stop by Metroworks coworking at 31 South Main St., next to Sweetwaters.
Current events/signature locations:
"DROP IN" hours at Metroworks (31 South Main St):
Monday (10/2) 9 - 11
Tuesday (10/3) 9 - 11
Wednesday (10/4) 12 - 3:30
Thursday (10/5) 9 - 1
Additional locations/times:
Tues (10/17) and Thurs. (10/19): Natick Fall Town Meeting, Natick High, 6:45 - 7:30 p.m.
Saturday (10/28): Spooktacular on the Town Common, 1 - 3 p.m.
Sunday (11/5): Pumpkin Smash, 1 - 3 p.m.